
Michael Spreadborough

Executive Co-Chairman

Mr Spreadborough has a mining engineer background with over 20 years’ experience in mining lead, zinc, uranium, copper, gold and iron ore. He has held roles across the scope of the industry from business and project development to operations and exploration. In recent times he has held the position of CEO of Metals X Limited, Managing Director & CEO of Nusantara Resources and Non-Executive Director of CleanTeQ Holdings. Mr Spreadborough has also held positions as the General Manager – Mining for WMC, Vice President – Mining for BHP Billiton at the world-class Olympic Dam Mine in South Australia and the General Manager – Coastal Operations for Rio Tinto, responsible for port operations and Pannawonica mine site. Previous to those roles he also held the positions of Chief Operating Officer for Inova Resources Ltd (formerly Ivanhoe Australia) and Sandfire Resources.

Mr Spreadborough holds a Bachelor of Mining Engineering from the University of Queensland, an MBA from Deakin University, and a WA First Class Mine Manager’s Certificate of Competency. Additionally, he is a member of the AusIMM and also the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Dr. Quinton Hennigh

Non-Executive Co-Chairman

Dr Hennigh is an economic geologist with 25 years of exploration experience, mainly gold related.  Early in his career, he explored for major mining firms including Homestake Mining Company, Newcrest Mining Ltd and Newmont Mining Corporation.  Dr Hennigh joined the junior mining sector in 2007 and has been involved with a number of Canadian listed gold companies including Gold Canyon Resources where he led exploration at the Springpole alkaline gold project near Red Lake Ontario, a 5 million ounce gold deposit.  In 2010 he helped start Novo Resources and began assembling its Australian exploration portfolio, where he holds the position of President and Co-Chairman.

Dr Hennigh obtained a Ph.D. in Geology/Geochemistry from the Colorado School of Mines.

Greg Jones

Independent Director & Compensation and Nomination Committee Chair

Mr Jones is a mineral geologist with more than 40 years of exploration and operational experience within Australia and overseas. Mr Jones has previously served on boards of a number of ASX listed resource companies including Astro Resources NL (now known as Astute Metals NL (ASX:ASE)), Thomson Resources Limited (ASX:TMZ), Eastern Iron Limited (ASX:EFE), Variscan Mines Limited (ASX:VAR) and Silver City Minerals Limited (ASX:SCI).

Karen O’Neill

Independent Director & Audit, Risk and Corporate Governance Committee Chair

Karen is an experienced mining executive and finance professional with international operational experience across a variety of industries including resources, investment banking and professional services. Experience has been acquired working in Europe, Africa, Oceania, Asia and Australia and has given valuable insight into how to manage cross cultural and jurisdictional operations.  Karen has held diverse roles in the resources sector including executive leadership, commercial project management and business development, which has provided a strong base of creating value with resource companies in different stages of their lifecycles, from exploration assets, through development and acquisition as well as production. 

Karen holds an MBA and is a Fellow of the Governance Institute of Australia and the UK and a graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.